Memphis Stamp Club Constitution & Bylaws
American Philatelic Society Chapter #1622
ARTICLE I. Name and Object Section 1-1 This organization shall be known as the Memphis Stamp Club. The location and principle offices of the Club shall be located in the greater Memphis area in the State of Tennessee, County of Shelby.Section 1-2 Its purpose is to foster, develop, and otherwise enhance the avocation of stamp collecting for the benefit of its members, encourage and promote the study and collecting of anything pertaining to philately, aid in obtaining and the dissemination of information on the history, designing, printing, distribution and use of philatelic items, aid in the detection and prevention of forgeries and fraud in connection with philately and foster friendship and fraternity among stamp collectors. Section 1-3 The Memphis Stamp Club is an American Philatelic Society Chapter Club. The American Philatelic Society Chapter Number is 1622 granted July 17th 2024.ARTICLE II. Membership, Dues, APS Code of Ethics Section 2-1 Membership in this club is open to all persons irrespective of creed, color, race, religion, national origin or gender who are interested in philately, giving satisfactory references, subject to rules and regulations provided herein. Section 2-2 The Secretary, upon receiving an application for membership, shall read before a club meeting the name of the applicant, as well as the name of the proposer. At the next meeting the membership will vote on the application with a majority vote of those present prevailing. Section 2-3 Dues are not required but may be at a later time. Club dues shall be set by a majority of the membership, payable with the application for membership if required. If the applicant is rejected, and dues required, the dues payment will be refunded. Dues become payable the first day of each fiscal year if required. Any member failing to pay dues, if required, within thirty days of the due date shall be considered not in good standing, subject to suspension from any committees of which he or she shall be a member, and otherwise deprived of benefits of membership in the club. Any member failing to pay dues, if required, within sixty days of the due date shall be dropped from the rolls. Section 2-4 Any person under age 18 shall be considered a youth member. Except for the office of Youth Vice President, youths may not hold office in the club, but may participate in all club services and functions. They do not have the right to vote. Section 2-5 A member in good standing may resign from the club at any time, said resignation to be in writing, so long as all debts and obligations are fulfilled. Section 2-6 Reinstatement may be made after making application as established for new members (Article II), provided that any indebtedness to the club is paid in full, or satisfactory arrangements for this payment are made. Section 2-7 Members found guilty of fraud, dishonesty, or conduct unbecoming a member may be suspended for a specific period, thereby losing rights and privileges of membership, or expelled. Charges against such members must be made in written form to the Executive Board, who will present such charges to the accused at least ten days prior to a hearing before the Board. The Board can sustain or reject the charges, the records of the case to be preserved in the minutes of the club. Section 2-8 The Memphis Stamp Club has adopted the American Philatelic Society Philatelic Code of Ethics.ARTICLE III. Officers Section 3-1 Elected officers shall be a President, Vice President, Youth Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board of Directors to consist of three members. All such officers make up the Executive Board. Elective officers (except Directors) shall serve for a period of one year, or until their respective successors have been elected, as provided under "Elections." Directors shall serve three-year terms, with one position to be filled each year. Section 3-2 The President has general supervisory powers over all matters concerning the club. This officer is an ex-officio member of all committees, makes all appointments provided for in the bylaws, or other appointments as necessary, and shall otherwise perform all duties delegated by the bylaws or otherwise assigned by the membership at a duly called meeting. The President shall appoint the committees specified in Article VI, Section 1, and such other committees as the Executive Board determines are necessary. The President shall not have the authority to expend club funds without prior approval of the Executive Board. Section 3-3 The Vice President will assist the President in the conduct of the club. In the absence of the President at any meeting, the Vice President shall act as President. In the event of death, disability, resignation, or removal of the President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of President. Section 3-4 The Youth Vice President shall be the chief representative on the Executive Board in the interest of youth members of the club. This officer is responsible for maintaining awareness of the wants and needs of younger members, and for bringing their wishes to the attention of the Board. Also, the Youth Vice President shall make a special effort to greet and assist youth guests of the club. Section 3-5 The Secretary shall keep an accurate and permanent record of the minutes of the meetings of the club and the Board of Directors; maintain a complete record of membership, including applications, admissions, deaths, resignations, suspensions, expulsions, and reinstatements; issue membership cards and receipts; and countersign, register, and attest to legal documents signed by the President. Any funds collected in the name of the club shall be turned over to the Treasurer. Section 3-6 The Treasurer shall take charge of all monies, properties, and securities of the club. All dues and other receipts of the club shall be deposited in a bank to be designated by the Executive Board. This officer shall pay all bills and other obligations against the club upon authorization by the Executive Board. Section 3-7 The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Youth Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the three elected Directors of the club. The Immediate Past President shall be considered an ex officio member of the Executive Board. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to be the administrative body of the club and to be responsible for its general welfare. It must approve all expenditures made in the name of the club. Section 3-8 No officer shall receive compensation for services in the performance of the duties of office, except reimbursement for administrative expenses.ARTICLE IV. Elections Section 4-1 The annual election of officers shall take place at the last meeting of the fiscal year. Section 4-2 Sixty days prior to the election, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee whose duty shall be to canvass the membership and propose to the club a slate of officers: a President, Vice President, Youth Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one or more Directors as may be necessary to fill vacancies. Section 4-3 Thirty days prior to the election, the Nominating Committee shall announce to a meeting of the club its proposed slate of officers. Section 4-4 Nominations may be made from the floor or by petition signed by five members of the club in good standing, such nominations to be made at least thirty days prior to the election. Consent of nominees is required prior to nomination. Section 4-5 If offices are contested, it shall then be the duty of the Secretary to prepare official ballots, listing candidates for each office in alphabetical order.ARTICLE V. Meetings Section 5-1 Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern conduct of the meetings, except that reading of the minutes of the previous meeting is necessary only if a club member specifically requests it. Section 5-2 A quorum shall consist of 25 percent of the active club members in good standing. Section 5-3 Special meetings of the club may be called by the President, or in his/her absence or disability by the Vice President, or at the discretion of the Board of Directors, providing that notice of such special meeting is provided to every member in good standing of the club. Such notices shall be sent to members no fewer than fourteen days prior to the calling of such special meeting.Section 5-4 The order of business at all regular meetings of members of the Club shall be as follows, unless changed by a vote at the meeting:1. Call to order.2. Introduction of visitors.3. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting, for approval.4. Financial report by the treasurer showing the Club’s intake and disbursement and the balance offunds still available.5. Committee reports.6. Presentation of new members.7. Unfinished business.8. New business.9. Announcements for the good of philately.10. Adjournment of the business meeting.11. Entertainment and/or program.12. Open exchange and/or auction.ARTICLE VI. Permanent Committees Section 6-1 Subject to approval by the Executive Board, the President shall appoint the following permanent committees of the club.A. ProgramB. PublicityC. MembershipD. FinanceE. NewsletterF. ExhibitsG. Website These committees will serve for the term of the incumbent President or until their successors are appointed by a succeeding President. The President, with concurrence of two-thirds of theExecutive Board, may disband any permanent committee, remove individual members for cause, or add members when needed.ARTICLE VII. Fiscal Year The fiscal year for the club shall commence January 1.ARTICLE VIII. Amendments Section 8-1 These bylaws may be amended at a regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of a quorum. Section 8-2 Notice of proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and signed by no fewer than five members of the club. Section 8-3 The proposed amendment or amendments shall be read before a meeting of the club not less than thirty days before a vote is scheduled. It (they) shall then be prepared in written form and distributed to the entire membership by mail at least one week prior to the meeting at which they will be finally considered. Section 8-4 A second reading of the proposed amendment or amendments shall be made at the next regular meeting of the club. If a quorum is present at this second reading, the members can vote acceptance or rejection of the proposed amendment or amendments.Section 8-5 Any by-law may be repealed, modified, altered or amended by a new by-law adopted at any regular or special meeting of the Club, by a two-thirds majority of the voting members either present or voting by proxy, but only after at least 30 days’ notice has been sent out by United States mail, postage prepaid, to all members, that such a change is to be attempted at a particular meeting.Section 8-6 These by-laws and any subsequent amendments shall be in full force and effective immediately upon adoption by the voting members of the Memphis Stamp Club, and the by-laws herein contained shall be construed as retroactive of that date.ARTICLE IX. Website, Webmaster Section 9-1 The website for the Memphis Stamp Club is hereby known as MemphisStampClub.orgThe webmaster shall serve as the Memphis Stamp Club technician who designs or maintains the Club website MemphisStampClub.OrgSection 9-2 The webmaster shall maintain and renew as necessary for addition to web pages and reference materials as approved by the Board and owned by the Memphis Stamp Club.Section 9-4 The webmaster shall make philatelic materials available on the internet and shall acquire electronic reference material for the use of eligible Memphis Stamp Club Members.ARTICLE X. - DissolutionThis club may be dissolved only with a 2/3 vote of all voting members. All voting members must benotified at least 30 days prior to any vote. In case of dissolution of the club, all money and property ofthe club shall be donated to another local stamp club or donated to the American Philatelic Society or itssuccessor non-profit organization.Article XI. – Parliamentary ProcedureSection 1-1 Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in meetings of the Society, the Board, the Executive Committee and any other Committee created by the Board.Prepared ByDavid SaksAmbassador ToThe American Philatelic SocietyFor The Memphis Stamp ClubJuly 17, 2024
ARTICLE I. Name and Object Section 1-1 This organization shall be known as the Memphis Stamp Club. The location and principle offices of the Club shall be located in the greater Memphis area in the State of Tennessee, County of Shelby.Section 1-2 Its purpose is to foster, develop, and otherwise enhance the avocation of stamp collecting for the benefit of its members, encourage and promote the study and collecting of anything pertaining to philately, aid in obtaining and the dissemination of information on the history, designing, printing, distribution and use of philatelic items, aid in the detection and prevention of forgeries and fraud in connection with philately and foster friendship and fraternity among stamp collectors. Section 1-3 The Memphis Stamp Club is an American Philatelic Society Chapter Club. The American Philatelic Society Chapter Number is 1622 granted July 17th 2024.ARTICLE II. Membership, Dues, APS Code of Ethics Section 2-1 Membership in this club is open to all persons irrespective of creed, color, race, religion, national origin or gender who are interested in philately, giving satisfactory references, subject to rules and regulations provided herein. Section 2-2 The Secretary, upon receiving an application for membership, shall read before a club meeting the name of the applicant, as well as the name of the proposer. At the next meeting the membership will vote on the application with a majority vote of those present prevailing. Section 2-3 Dues are not required but may be at a later time. Club dues shall be set by a majority of the membership, payable with the application for membership if required. If the applicant is rejected, and dues required, the dues payment will be refunded. Dues become payable the first day of each fiscal year if required. Any member failing to pay dues, if required, within thirty days of the due date shall be considered not in good standing, subject to suspension from any committees of which he or she shall be a member, and otherwise deprived of benefits of membership in the club. Any member failing to pay dues, if required, within sixty days of the due date shall be dropped from the rolls. Section 2-4 Any person under age 18 shall be considered a youth member. Except for the office of Youth Vice President, youths may not hold office in the club, but may participate in all club services and functions. They do not have the right to vote. Section 2-5 A member in good standing may resign from the club at any time, said resignation to be in writing, so long as all debts and obligations are fulfilled. Section 2-6 Reinstatement may be made after making application as established for new members (Article II), provided that any indebtedness to the club is paid in full, or satisfactory arrangements for this payment are made. Section 2-7 Members found guilty of fraud, dishonesty, or conduct unbecoming a member may be suspended for a specific period, thereby losing rights and privileges of membership, or expelled. Charges against such members must be made in written form to the Executive Board, who will present such charges to the accused at least ten days prior to a hearing before the Board. The Board can sustain or reject the charges, the records of the case to be preserved in the minutes of the club. Section 2-8 The Memphis Stamp Club has adopted the American Philatelic Society Philatelic Code of Ethics.ARTICLE III. Officers Section 3-1 Elected officers shall be a President, Vice President, Youth Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board of Directors to consist of three members. All such officers make up the Executive Board. Elective officers (except Directors) shall serve for a period of one year, or until their respective successors have been elected, as provided under "Elections." Directors shall serve three-year terms, with one position to be filled each year. Section 3-2 The President has general supervisory powers over all matters concerning the club. This officer is an ex-officio member of all committees, makes all appointments provided for in the bylaws, or other appointments as necessary, and shall otherwise perform all duties delegated by the bylaws or otherwise assigned by the membership at a duly called meeting. The President shall appoint the committees specified in Article VI, Section 1, and such other committees as the Executive Board determines are necessary. The President shall not have the authority to expend club funds without prior approval of the Executive Board. Section 3-3 The Vice President will assist the President in the conduct of the club. In the absence of the President at any meeting, the Vice President shall act as President. In the event of death, disability, resignation, or removal of the President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of President. Section 3-4 The Youth Vice President shall be the chief representative on the Executive Board in the interest of youth members of the club. This officer is responsible for maintaining awareness of the wants and needs of younger members, and for bringing their wishes to the attention of the Board. Also, the Youth Vice President shall make a special effort to greet and assist youth guests of the club. Section 3-5 The Secretary shall keep an accurate and permanent record of the minutes of the meetings of the club and the Board of Directors; maintain a complete record of membership, including applications, admissions, deaths, resignations, suspensions, expulsions, and reinstatements; issue membership cards and receipts; and countersign, register, and attest to legal documents signed by the President. Any funds collected in the name of the club shall be turned over to the Treasurer. Section 3-6 The Treasurer shall take charge of all monies, properties, and securities of the club. All dues and other receipts of the club shall be deposited in a bank to be designated by the Executive Board. This officer shall pay all bills and other obligations against the club upon authorization by the Executive Board. Section 3-7 The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Youth Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the three elected Directors of the club. The Immediate Past President shall be considered an ex officio member of the Executive Board. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to be the administrative body of the club and to be responsible for its general welfare. It must approve all expenditures made in the name of the club. Section 3-8 No officer shall receive compensation for services in the performance of the duties of office, except reimbursement for administrative expenses.ARTICLE IV. Elections Section 4-1 The annual election of officers shall take place at the last meeting of the fiscal year. Section 4-2 Sixty days prior to the election, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee whose duty shall be to canvass the membership and propose to the club a slate of officers: a President, Vice President, Youth Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one or more Directors as may be necessary to fill vacancies. Section 4-3 Thirty days prior to the election, the Nominating Committee shall announce to a meeting of the club its proposed slate of officers. Section 4-4 Nominations may be made from the floor or by petition signed by five members of the club in good standing, such nominations to be made at least thirty days prior to the election. Consent of nominees is required prior to nomination. Section 4-5 If offices are contested, it shall then be the duty of the Secretary to prepare official ballots, listing candidates for each office in alphabetical order.ARTICLE V. Meetings Section 5-1 Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern conduct of the meetings, except that reading of the minutes of the previous meeting is necessary only if a club member specifically requests it. Section 5-2 A quorum shall consist of 25 percent of the active club members in good standing. Section 5-3 Special meetings of the club may be called by the President, or in his/her absence or disability by the Vice President, or at the discretion of the Board of Directors, providing that notice of such special meeting is provided to every member in good standing of the club. Such notices shall be sent to members no fewer than fourteen days prior to the calling of such special meeting.Section 5-4 The order of business at all regular meetings of members of the Club shall be as follows, unless changed by a vote at the meeting:1. Call to order.2. Introduction of visitors.3. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting, for approval.4. Financial report by the treasurer showing the Club’s intake and disbursement and the balance offunds still available.5. Committee reports.6. Presentation of new members.7. Unfinished business.8. New business.9. Announcements for the good of philately.10. Adjournment of the business meeting.11. Entertainment and/or program.12. Open exchange and/or auction.ARTICLE VI. Permanent Committees Section 6-1 Subject to approval by the Executive Board, the President shall appoint the following permanent committees of the club.A. ProgramB. PublicityC. MembershipD. FinanceE. NewsletterF. ExhibitsG. Website These committees will serve for the term of the incumbent President or until their successors are appointed by a succeeding President. The President, with concurrence of two-thirds of theExecutive Board, may disband any permanent committee, remove individual members for cause, or add members when needed.ARTICLE VII. Fiscal Year The fiscal year for the club shall commence January 1.ARTICLE VIII. Amendments Section 8-1 These bylaws may be amended at a regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of a quorum. Section 8-2 Notice of proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and signed by no fewer than five members of the club. Section 8-3 The proposed amendment or amendments shall be read before a meeting of the club not less than thirty days before a vote is scheduled. It (they) shall then be prepared in written form and distributed to the entire membership by mail at least one week prior to the meeting at which they will be finally considered. Section 8-4 A second reading of the proposed amendment or amendments shall be made at the next regular meeting of the club. If a quorum is present at this second reading, the members can vote acceptance or rejection of the proposed amendment or amendments.Section 8-5 Any by-law may be repealed, modified, altered or amended by a new by-law adopted at any regular or special meeting of the Club, by a two-thirds majority of the voting members either present or voting by proxy, but only after at least 30 days’ notice has been sent out by United States mail, postage prepaid, to all members, that such a change is to be attempted at a particular meeting.Section 8-6 These by-laws and any subsequent amendments shall be in full force and effective immediately upon adoption by the voting members of the Memphis Stamp Club, and the by-laws herein contained shall be construed as retroactive of that date.ARTICLE IX. Website, Webmaster Section 9-1 The website for the Memphis Stamp Club is hereby known as MemphisStampClub.orgThe webmaster shall serve as the Memphis Stamp Club technician who designs or maintains the Club website MemphisStampClub.OrgSection 9-2 The webmaster shall maintain and renew as necessary for addition to web pages and reference materials as approved by the Board and owned by the Memphis Stamp Club.Section 9-4 The webmaster shall make philatelic materials available on the internet and shall acquire electronic reference material for the use of eligible Memphis Stamp Club Members.ARTICLE X. - DissolutionThis club may be dissolved only with a 2/3 vote of all voting members. All voting members must benotified at least 30 days prior to any vote. In case of dissolution of the club, all money and property ofthe club shall be donated to another local stamp club or donated to the American Philatelic Society or itssuccessor non-profit organization.Article XI. – Parliamentary ProcedureSection 1-1 Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in meetings of the Society, the Board, the Executive Committee and any other Committee created by the Board.Prepared ByDavid SaksAmbassador ToThe American Philatelic SocietyFor The Memphis Stamp ClubJuly 17, 2024